On 11-04-17 2:41 AM, Kai Ying wrote:> hello:
> Do any one know how to set sweave option by variable, for example I
> set some of my selected code chunk with:
> <<eval=needRun>>= rather than<<eval=TRUE>>=, so I
can change the action
> only in the head by change the variable "needRun" one times.
> I have tried use "\Def" and "\newcommand", both do not
work, so I suppose it
> is related with R/Sweave its self.
> thanks for any good suggestion.
You can't do that, but you can get a similar effect this way:
<<echo=FALSE>>needRun <- TRUE
<<echo=FALSE>>if (needRun) {
Or you could use cacheSweave or weaver for caching, which may do what
you want, or write your own Sweave driver to do exactly what you want.
Duncan Murdoch