Hi I am conducting a meta-analysis on proportions and I'm interested in using the exact binomial likeliood for the within-study effects rather than the approximate approaches and I don't want to use the quasi-likelihood approach in R's glmmPQL. Does anyone know how I can do this using nlme? I can do it in SAS nlmixed but I would rather use R -this is my SAS code: proc nlmixed data=work.temp ; parms mup=2 vp= 08; /*initial values*/ rawprop=1/(1+exp(-truep)); /*unkown true p logit proportion*/ model numberofisolates~binomial(sumisolatestudy, rawprop) ; random truep~normal(mup,vp) subject=studyid; run; Thanks B. Aletta Nonyane, PhD Assistant Scientist Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 615 N. Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD, 21205 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]