Dear posters,
I have a question concerning binary data analysis. I have presence absence
data of 5 sampling sessions within 3 years, of 12 fields. Each field had 12
traps. I would like to analyse the data with a Generalized Estimating
Equations (GEE) Model in R. For the abundance data I used a gls with the
correlation = corARMA(form = ~ session|trapfield, p = 1, q = 0)
But now I want to use presence absence data?I know about the problem with
correlated -binary data- but maybe somebody already created a solution?
Something like that, which is not working?.
rgee1 <- geeglm(Alus01 ~ treatment + scale(LAI) + scale(log(Tot_Sp)) +
scale(AveH) , data = plates, family = binomial, waves = session, id trapfield,
corstr = "ar1")
Any help is appreciated a lot?.
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