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-- Bert
On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Chris Buddenhagen
<cbuddenhagen at> wrote:> To account for likely differences between
> families in naturalization rates, we fitted a
> generalized linear mixed model, using
> PROC NLMIXED in SAS10, with the
> naturalization rate per genus (that is, the
> number of naturalized species in a genus as
> a proportion of the total number of introduced
> species in a genus) as the response
> variable, a variable coding genera as containing
> at least one native species or not as a
> fixed-effect predictor, and a variable coding
> for family as a random effect.
> I would like to emulate or do something better than this PROC NLMIXED
> using R, the methods were used in a 2002 Duncan and Williams nature
> publication. Any suggestions about how to proceed?
> Chris Buddenhagen
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics