Hi Dennis,
The first thing I did with my data was to explore it with 6 graphs
(wet-high, med, and solo-; dry-high, med, and solo-) and gave me very
interesting patterns: seed size in wet treatments is either negatively
correlated (high and medium densities) or flat (solo). But dry treatments
are all positively correlated! There is a very interesting switch there.
I also figured out why I can't do three way interactions. I explored the
structure of my data with str(mydata) and it shows that water treatment has
three levels when it should have just two. Then I went back to the excel
sheet, tried to sort the data by water treatment and I discover a single
data point from the wet treatment sticking out by itself. That is why R
reads three levels and since it is only one point, there cannot be any stats
of course.
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Dennis Murphy <djmuser@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Eugenio Larios <
> elariosc@email.arizona.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Dennis,
>> thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.
>> I forgot to say about the imbalance, yes. I only explained the original
>> set up, sorry. Let me explain.
>> It is because in the process of the experiment which lasted 3 months I
>> lost individuals within the plots and I actually ended up losing 2
>> plots (one dry and one wet) and some other individuals in other plots.
> That still leaves you balanced at the plot level :) Fortunately, you have
> enough replication. If you have missing subplots within the remaining
> that would be another source of imbalance at the subplot level, but you
> should have enough subplots to be able to estimate all of the interactions
> unless an entire treatment in one set of plots was missing.
> It's worth graphing your data to anticipate which effects/interactions
> should be significant; graphs involving the spatial configuration of the
> plots and subplots would also be worthwhile.
>> My study system has this special feature that allows me to track
>> seed sizes in plants germinated in the field, a persistent ring that
>> attached to the root even when the plant has germinated, so some of the
>> plants I lost did not have this ring anymore. It happens sometimes but
>> of the time they have it. Also, some plants disappeared probably due to
>> predation, etc That made my experiment imbalanced.
> That's common. No big deal.
>> Do you think that will change the analysis? Also, do you think I should
>> use least squares ANOVA (perhaps type III due to the imbalance?)
instead of
>> LMM? What about the random effects that my blocking has created?
> Actually, with unbalanced data it's to your advantage to use lme() over
> ANOVA. Just don't place too much importance on the p-values of tests;
> the degrees of freedom are debatable. With unbalanced data, it's hard
> predict what the sampling distribution of a given statistic will actually
> be, so the p-values aren't as trustworthy.
> You mentioned that you couldn't fit a three-way interaction; given your
> data configuration, that shouldn't happen.
> (1) Get two-way tables of water * density, one for the counts and one for
> the averages, something like
> with(mydata, table(water, density))
> aggregate(log(fitness) ~ water + density, data = mydata, FUN = mean, na.rm
> = TRUE)
> In the first table, unless you have very low frequencies in some category,
> your data 'density' should be enough to estimate all the main
effects and
> interactions of interest. The second table is to check that you don't
> NaNs or missing cells, etc.
>> I am new to R-help website so I wrote you this message to your email
but I
>> would like to post it on the R website, do you know how?
> Wag answer: I hope so, since I managed to view and respond to your message
> :)
> More seriously, in gmail, the window that opens to produce replies has an
> option 'Reply to all'. I don't know if your e-mail client at
UofA has that
> feature, but if not, you could always cc R-help and put the e-mail address
> in by hand if necessary. Most mailers are smart enough to auto-complete an
> address as you type in the name, so you could see if that applies on your
> system.
> I keep a separate account for R-help because of the traffic volume - if you
> intend to subscribe to the list, you might want to do the same. It's
> unusual for 75-100 e-mails a weekday to enter your inbox...
>> Thanks again!
>> Eugenio
>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Dennis Murphy
<djmuser@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Eugenio Larios <
>>> elariosc@email.arizona.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> I am trying to analyze a split plot experiment in the field
that was
>>>> arranged like this:
>>>> I am trying to measure the fitness consequences of seed size.
>>>> Factors (X):
>>>> *Seed size*: a continuous variable, normally distributed.
>>>> *Water*: Categorical Levels- wet and dry.
>>>> *Density*: Categorical Levels- high, medium and solo
>>>> *Plot*: Counts from 1 to 20
>>>> The *response variable *(Y) was the number of seeds produced at
the end
>>>> of
>>>> the season.
>>>> The experiment started 15 days after plants germinated in the
>>>> 20 plots were chosen where there was high enough density so I
>>>> manipulate it. In an area where artificial irrigation was
possible for
>>>> the
>>>> wet treatment, dry treatment was natural precip.
>>>> Water was blocked so 10 plots were wet and the other 10 were
>>>> Randomly
>>>> assigned.
>>>> Within those 20 plots 6 focal plants were chosen and randomly
>>>> the
>>>> three densities. (split plot design)
>>>> I did not control for seed size since it is continuous and
>>>> distributed, hoping that with 120 plants total (6 in each 20
blocks) I
>>>> could
>>>> get all kind of sizes for every treatment. It worked ok.
>>> From the description, it appears you have the following:
>>> * water is a whole-plot treatment, each level assigned to 10
>>> * seed size is a plot-level covariate
>>> * whole plot units are the plots
>>> At this level, the ANOVA table is
>>> Water 1
>>> Seed size 1
>>> Water x seed size 1
>>> Whole plot error 16 [plots]
>>> The split plot treatment is density, and after its main effect is
>>> accounted for, it is crossed with every term in the whole-plot
>>> Density 2
>>> Density * Water 2
>>> Density * seed size 2
>>> Density * Water * seed size 2
>>> Residual 92 [subplots]
>>> Total df = 119
>>> The ANOVA exercise is useful for understanding the structure of the
>>> split-plot design - it is not exactly what lme() will fit
(especially the
>>> df), since lme() is fitting the model via likelihood rather than
>>> squares.
>>> Your full lme model, including the test of unequal slopes in the
>>> water levels, should be
>>> m <- lme(log(fitness) ~ seedsize * water * density, random =
>>> data=dataset)
>>> Without the unequal slopes term (i.e., a parallel slopes model), it
>>> should be
>>> m2 <- lme(log(fitness) ~ (seedsize + water) * density, random =
~1 |
>>> plot, data = dataset)
>>> The specification of the first two terms on the RHS of the model
>>> is associated with the whole-plot structure of your design.
>>> I have been trying to analyze this with lme (library NLME). I am
>>>> quiet
>>>> sure which are my random variables. models I have used are:
>>>> I have also tried to include plot and water as random effects:
>>>> I am actually not sure if I am using the right random variables
>>>> Also
>>>> for some reason, it won't let me include
seedsize*density*water triple
>>>> interaction
>>> You mentioned imbalance in your mail header - how imbalanced are
>>> talking about? The structure of the imbalance could have some
impact on
>>> which effects are or are not estimable, depending on its severity.
>>> HTH,
>>> Dennis
>>>> help!
>>>> thanks
>>>> --
>>>> Eugenio Larios
>>>> PhD Student
>>>> University of Arizona.
>>>> Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
>>>> (520) 481-2263
>>>> elariosc@email.arizona.edu
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>> --
>> Eugenio Larios
>> PhD Student
>> University of Arizona.
>> Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
>> (520) 481-2263
>> elariosc@email.arizona.edu
Eugenio Larios
PhD Student
University of Arizona.
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
(520) 481-2263
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