allFilesList <- lapply(list.file(), read.table, ..args..)
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:10 AM, Arnab Maity <Arnab_Maity at>
wrote:> Hi,
> ? ?How can I read multiple files(in a loop like manner) within a single
code of R ? For example, I need to run the same code for different datasets
(here list of companies) and since individual files are quite large, appending
the files into one file is not a desirable option. Can this be done through a
macro or sql kind of command?
> Thank you in advance.
> Arnab Kumar Maity
> Researcher
> Indian School of Business,
> Hyderabad - 500032
> India
> Ph- ?+91 40 2318 7886
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