On Aug 13, 2010, at 6:57 PM, chantalm wrote:
> So I have a for loop
> for (i in 1 : 5) {
> print(i)
> }
> and I want it to print 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sequentially for each loop
> iteration.
> Instead, it waits for the whole loop to finish and then prints. It's
> strange
> because my R console seems to have two modes of execution. One where
> it will
> iterate for each loop and print the message (and where I can easily
> abort an
> R program with the escape key), and another mode where it doesn't
> print for
> each loop iteration/just keeps executing even if I press escape key.
> I can't
> figure out how to enable the first way of execution! Can someone
> shed some
> light on this matter?
This depends (if I remember correctly) on OS specifics which you have
not provided. Aren't they teaching you to read the manuals (aka
Posting Guide) at U-dub these days?
(perhaps search on :
??"flush console" # ( again, IIRC)
David Winsemius, MD (UW '87)
West Hartford, CT