On Jun 21, 2010, at 6:50 PM, CC wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am trying to extract output information from the survfit function
> in order
> to generate a matrix of select output for multiple factors.
> Specifically, I am interested in extracting the number of events (in
> the
> output below: 106, 2, 3). The variable names represented in my
> function
> (ee) are shown below, but none of those variables correspond to the
> column
> of events as shown in the output.
> What should I be using to call the number of events?
> *******************
> *Format of the Matrix:*
> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [6]
> [7] [8]
> [1,] "rs12082473_T" "2288" "2211"
"21" "56" (Number of Events)
> *******************
> *CODE & Output:*
> ee=survfit(Surv(dta$dmi,dta$mi==1)~dta[,i],data=dta)
Couldn't you just sum dta$mi==1 at this point? Perhaps with
complete.cases or na.omit surrounding an appropriate subset of
data.... untested in absence of reproducible example:
See also:
> records n.max n.start *events* median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
> dta[, i]=0 2211 2211 2211 *106 * NA NA NA
> dta[, i]=1 21 21 21 *2 * NA NA NA
> dta[, i]=2 56 56 56 * 3* NA NA NA
> *******************
> *Variable Names*:
> names(ee)
> [1] "n" "time" "n.risk"
"n.event" "n.censor" "surv"
> [7] "type" "strata" "std.err"
"upper" "lower"
> "conf.type"
> [13] "conf.int" "na.action" "call"
> ****************
> Thanks!
> CC
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT