> > ... interactions between covariables and time.
> A model such as "coxph(Surv(ptime, pstat) ~ age + age*ptime,
> is invalid -- it is not at all what you think.
Actually what i'm trying to fit is
to model a time-varying effect \beta(t)=a+b*t.
Conceptually, is not H_0:b=0 the hypothesis tested by cox.zph()?
(i know: i have to study more deeply this topic, my copy of your book
is on the way to my house)
> > Is is somewhat sensible to use cox.zph() to investigate which
> variables need time interaction...
> The cox.zph function is primarily graphical; I would respond to your
> question with "is it good to look at scatterplots before fitting a
> linear model?" My answer to this is emphatically yes.
> Terry Therneau
Thank you,
Marco Barb?ra.