How can I create a multi-line plot from a netCDF files that containes the following fields: time [YYYYMM] 195301 195302 195303 [.........] 195312 [..........] 200112 data [float] mm1 mm2 mm3 [...] (monthly mean value for each months in the time series.) I want to plot the annual cycle of sis for each year into one plot. The result should be a multi-line plot (x-axis: sis-values; y-axes: month; one line for each year), with a seperate color/style for each line. How can I do this in R? I found some hints in various documentations (including the graph gallery) and mailing lists that are close to the problem. However, I could not find a solution for this particular problem. __________________________________________________ z gegen Massenmails. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]