There exist a number of resources on the web for ESS, which one can
find easily with a Google search on "Emacs Speaks Statistics." Three
articles that did not turn up in my search just now are:
A. J. Rossini et al. Emacs Speaks Statistics ..., Unpublished, 2001,
University of Washington (rossini at
A. J. Rossini et al. Emacs Speaks Statistics ..., Journal of
Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2004, 13(1), 247-261.
R. M. Heidberger. Emacs Speaks Statistics ..., DSC 2001 Proceedings of
the 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing,
March 15-17, Vienna, Austria
David Cross
d.cross at
On Mar 1, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Gustave Lefou wrote:
> Dear all,
>> From the recent discussion, I have wondered where I could find some
>> quick
> step documentation on Emacs for R (especially on Windows).
> All I have found is that 80 pages pdf
> Maybe I am asking for too much ?
> Best,
> Gustave
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