Hello, R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) on a linux-64-bit machine. I am trying to install the "glmnet" package and I get the following error: *******************************************************************************> install.packages(pkgs = "glmnet")trying URL 'http://cran.parentinginformed.com/src/contrib/glmnet_1.1-5.tar.gz' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 65521 bytes (63 Kb) opened URL =================================================downloaded 63 Kb * Installing *source* package 'glmnet' ... This package has only been tested with gfortran. So some checks are needed. R_HOME is /usr/lib64/R Attempting to determine R_ARCH... R_ARCH is Attempting to detect how R was configured for Fortran 90.... Unsupported Fortran 90 compiler or Fortran 90 compilers unavailable! Stop! ERROR: configuration failed for package 'glmnet' ** Removing '/usr/lib64/R/library/glmnet' ******************************************************************************** it says it had only been tested with the "gfortran" compiler, but this compiler is on the machine I am using, it is in "/usr/bin/". If this is the problem is there a way to specify to "install.package" where to look for the compiler? If this is not the problem does anyone knows what the problem could be? Le message ci-dessus, ainsi que les documents l'accompagnant, sont destin?s uniquement aux personnes identifi?es et peuvent contenir des informations privil?gi?es, confidentielles ou ne pouvant ?tre divulgu?es. Si vous avez re?u ce message par erreur, veuillez le d?truire. This communication ( and/or the attachments ) is intended for named recipients only and may contain privileged or confidential information which is not to be disclosed. If you received this communication by mistake please destroy all copies. Faites bonne impression et imprimez seulement au besoin ! Think green before you print ! Le message ci-dessus, ainsi que les documents l'accompagnant, sont destin?s uniquement aux personnes identifi?es et peuvent contenir des informations privil?gi?es, confidentielles ou ne pouvant ?tre divulgu?es. Si vous avez re?u ce message par erreur, veuillez le d?truire. This communication (and/or the attachments) is intended for named recipients only and may contain privileged or confidential information which is not to be disclosed. If you received this communication by mistake please destroy all copies.