both the following will probably do the trick.
Basically on the second one, you want to come down to something that
looks like
where x is a matrix/vector, and L is a logical vector that has the
same dimension as x, but is TRUE on the values of x that you want to
for instance
x <- rnorm(100000)
L <- x > 3
x[L] will return all values of x that are greater than 3.
or you can just do
On Sep 25, 9:45?am, "Jim Bouldin" <jrboul... at>
wrote:> I realize this should be simple but I'm having trouble subsetting
> and matrices, for example extracting all values meeting a certain
> criterion, from a vector. Cannot seem to figure out the correct syntax and
> help page not very helpful. ?Or should I be using some other function than
> subset. ?Thanks for any help.
> Jim Bouldin
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