Looking at the script (not much explanation re your intention), I think
there is a couple of problems:
1. Not sure if the attached was supposed to be working code, but the
assignment operator is <- not <2. The functions should be defined OUTSIDE
the loop, otherwise you are
redefining the function with every iteration
3. I think the reason you wanted to put it inside the loop is that you need
access to the local variables of the loop, i.e. i and j
The way to do that would be to pass i and j as parameters to your
function, for example
g2 <- function(gen, j, i) sample (b1, 1, re = T)
4. Your function g1 returns a matrix and function g2 returns a number, these
should ideally both return objects of the same dimension and class. I think
this is what you wanted
g1 <- function(gen, j, i) {
if (gen[j, i] == 0) al1 [i, 1] + al1 [i, 1]
else if (gen [j, i] == 1) al1 [i, 1] + al2 [i, 1]
else if (gen [j, i] == 2) al2 [i, 1] + al2 [i, 1]
else 999
5. To make people that respond's life easier, please also provide some code
to initialise variables
Here is working code, which I think does what you wanted:
# initialising some variables
gen <- matrix(rbinom(1000*200,1,0.3),nrow = ind,ncol = loc)
al1 <- matrix(rbinom(1000*200,1,0.3),nrow = ind,ncol = loc)
al2 <- matrix(rbinom(1000*200,1,0.3),nrow = ind,ncol = loc)
b1 <- c(1,2,3)
r2 = 0.7
g <- matrix(nrow = ind,ncol = loc)
# defining the functions
g1 <- function(gen, j, i) {
if (gen[j, i] == 0) al1 [i, 1] + al1 [i, 1]
else if (gen [j, i] == 1) al1 [i, 1] + al2 [i, 1]
else if (gen [j, i] == 2) al2 [i, 1] + al2 [i, 1]
else 999
g2 <- function(gen, j, i) sample (b1, 1, re = T)
# now loop - this can be done more efficiently, but did not want to change
your code too much :-)
for (i in 1 : loc) {
for (j in 1 : ind) {
xx <- if (runif(1) >= (1 - r2)) g1 else g2
g[j, i] <- xx(gen, j, i)
Schalk Heunis
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:50 AM, Marcio Resende
> I am new in R and i am having trouble here. I´ve already searched in the
> list
> but hasn´t helped
> When i run this script above i get the message "Error in gen[j, i] :
> incorrect number of dimensions". However gen is 1000x200 (ind x loc)
and so
> is g
> could anybody help me
> for (i in 1 : loc) { #loc=200
> for (j in 1 : ind) { #ind=1000
> g1 <= function ( gen ) matrix ( if (gen[j, i] == 0) al1 [i, 1] + al1 [i,
> else if (gen [j, i] == 1) al1 [i, 1] + al2 [i, 1] else if (gen [j,
> i] == 2) al2 [i, 1] + al2 [i, 1] else 999, ncol = loc, nrow = ind)
> g2 <= function ( gen ) sample (b1, 1, re = T) #b1 is 1x3 and came from
> vector 1000X1 (e.g b1 <- c(x [1000,1]...)
> xx <= if (runif (1) >= (1 - r2)) g1 else g2
> g [j, i] <= xx (gen [j, i]) #g was already generated as an 0 matrix
> (1000x200) and i would like to replace ##by those functios
> }
> }
> Thank you very much
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