2009-Sep-15 16:26 UTC
[R] Function returns different results on the vector as a whole vs. on the values of the vector
Dear R friends, I have developed the function here below attached. Strangely, when I apply it to a vector it behaves very differently than when I apply it separately to each value of the vector itself. Is there any reason why? Here is the function: # TODO: Add comment # # Author: ct529, 3 Sep 2009, 08:42:50,mspline.R ############################################################################### mspline<-function(i=1,x=0,k=1,t=c(0,1)){ # x is the variable # i is the index of the member of the Mspline family # t is the vector of knots. t[h] is the h-th knot. # k is the Mspline degree I<-i if(identical(k,1)){ if( x<t[i+1] && x>=t[i] ){ td<-t[i+1]-t[i] M<-1/td }else{ M<-0 } }else if (k>1) { kk<-(k-1) if (x>=t[i] && x<t[i+k]){ M<-k*((x-t[i])*mspline(i=I,x=x,k=kk,t=t)+(t[i+k]- x)*mspline(i=(I+1),x=x,k=kk,t=t))/((k-1)*(t[i+k]-t[i])) } else if (x<t[i] || x>=t[i+k]){ M<-0 } } return(M) } For example: source("./functions/mspline.R") X<-seq(0,1,0.1) Q<-c(0,0,0,0.3,0.5,0.6,1,1,1) II<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6) plot(c(0,1),c(0,24),type="p",col="white",cex=".4",pch=".") for (h in II) { y<-vector() for (xxxx in X) { y<-append(y,mspline(i=h,x=xxxx,k=3,t=Q)) } points(X,y,type="l",col="green") } works very differently from using a vectorial approach, that is substituting the inner for iteration with the expression: y<-mspline(i=h,x=X,k=3,t=Q) Regards -- Corrado Topi Global Climate Change & Biodiversity Indicators Area 18,Department of Biology University of York, York, YO10 5YW, UK Phone: + 44 (0) 1904 328645, E-mail: ct529 at