DeaR list, I am writing a user friendly script for an interactive use of R. The user is supposed to click on a bat-File in Windows-environment and to enter some values in a pop-up window. Let us assume we have the script given below. If she sources this script within R, everything works smoothly. The pop-up window jumps and patiently waits her to enter the value. For this to work she has to start R, navigate to File --> Source R code... and to find her R-Script file (or whichever we sources the file). I want the things to be a bit more automatic - a single click and everything goes. Let us assume the script lives in "test.R". I made the bat-Files with the following entries: "D:\Program Files\R\R-2.9.1\bin\Rscript.exe" test.R or another bat file like this one "D:\Program Files\R\R-2.9.1\bin\Rcmd.exe" BATCH test.R Both of them seem to work, but they simply execute the "test.R"-without waiting the user to enter anything. I see the window popping-up and being immediately closed afterwards. I tested almost every binary in "...\R\R-2.9.1\bin\..." (Rcmd.exe, R.exe, Rterm.exe, Rscript.exe, etc). In case I made myself clear, could someone give me a hint of how accomplish this task. Cheers, AS ############ BEGIN R Scipt ############ require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tktitle(tt) <- "My Schedular" Name <- tclVar("") entry.Name <-tkentry(tt,width="18",textvariable=Name) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Please enter your name")) tkgrid(entry.Name) OnOK <- function() { NameVal <- tclvalue(Name) tkdestroy(tt) msg <- paste("You have a nice name",NameVal) tkmessageBox(title="Result",message=msg) } } OK.but <-tkbutton(tt,text=" OK ",command = OnOK) tkbind(entry.Name, "<Return>",OnOK) tkgrid(OK.but) tkfocus(tt) ############ END R Scipt ############ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]