Hello I have performed the following ANOVA test (age = young and old,
tret = non treated and treated):
> ANOVA_EPC<-aov(Dibi ~ age*tret, data = EPC)
> summary(ANOVA_EPC)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
age 1 25.346 25.346 2.4510 0.13587
tret 1 5.962 5.962 0.5766 0.45806
age:tret 1 53.280 53.280 5.1522 0.03652 *
Residuals 17 175.800 10.341
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
And I can see a significative effect of interaction…
What is the Tukey code to see where the interaction is significant?
Thank you for your time
Hirondelle Varady-Szabo, MSc.
Professionnel de recherche
Consortium en foresterie Gaspésie-Les-Îles
37, rue Chrétien, bur. 26, C.P. 5
Gaspé, Québec
G4X 1E1
tél.: 418-368-5166
sans frais: 1-866-361-5166
téléc.: 418-368-0511
courriel: hirondelle.varady@foretgaspesie-les-iles.ca
<http://www.mieuxconnaitrelaforet.ca/> www.mieuxconnaitrelaforet.ca
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