r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 22.05.2009 18:53:37:
> Hi all,
> I had some trouble in regrouping factor levels for a variable. After
some > experiments, I have figured out how I can recode to modify the factor
levels. > I would now like some help to understand why some methods work and
others don't.>
> Here's my code :
> rm(list=ls())
> ###some trials in recoding factor levels
> char<-letters[1:10]
> fac<-factor(char)
> levels(fac)
> print(fac)
> ##first method of recoding factors
> fac1<-fac
> levels(fac1)
> print(fac1)
> ##second method
> fac2<-fac
> levels(fac2)[c(1,2,3)]<-"A"
> levels(fac2)[c(2,3,4)]<-"B" # not c(4,5,6)
> levels(fac2)[c(3,4,5,6)]<-"C" # not c(7,8,9,10)
> levels(fac2)
> print(fac2)
> #third method
> fac3<-fac
levels(fac3)<-list("A"=c("a","b","c"),"B"=c("d","e","f"),"C"=c("g","h","i","j"))> levels(fac3)
> print(fac3)
> I first tried method 1 and had no luck with it at all. The levels A, B,
and C > just got added to the existing levels without affecting the fac
variable.> After some time, I was able to figure out how I should use method 2.
> After reading the help documentation, I arrived at method 3.
> I would appreciate help in understanding why the first method does not
See the difference in those 2 selection methods
a, b, c are vector items not names so you need to check their presence by
%in% operator
modified method1
which.levels <- levels(fac1) %in%
levels(fac1)[which.levels] <- "A"
levels(fac4)<-c(rep("A",3), rep("B", 3),
You can either to replace all levels at once or to select levels and
replace them with correct number of items.
> In my application, I had long factor names and Tinn-R just would not
> accept statements running to several lines. Partial substitution was
desirable> then. Having spent a considerable amount of time on this, I would like
to > understand the underlying problem with method 1 as it is. The deeper
> understanding could be useful for me later.
> Thanking You,
> Ravi
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