Hey Guys, i need 1000 samples of size 15, for distributions of Exp(1) and Norm(0,1). here is what i have done so far.For the exponential z<-list() for(i in 1:1000){z[[i]]=rexp(15,1)} For the Normal y<-list() for(i in 1:1000){y[[i]]=rnorm(15,0,1)} Is this correct? after this i need to compute the statistic (n-1)S2/ ó2 , produce a probability histogram for this result, and superimpose the distribution over chi-squared with 14 degrees of freedom. My thoughts on how to proceed is that after the statistic is calculated, i use the "fistdist" function? Only thing is, i am not sure how to compute the (n-1)S2/ ó2 If anyone could help me out that would be much appreciated. Thanks Guys _________________________________________________________________ [[elided Hotmail spam]] [[elided Hotmail spam]] =Domain_tagline&_m=EXT [[alternative HTML version deleted]]