Hi all,
I am trying to generate a series of random numbers. What I want to do is create
n random Poisson numbers (easily done with the rpois function) and then use
those generated numbers as the number of genenerated from another distribution
(in this case, a function for the bounded Pareto distribution I have created).
Or, to put it in a less convoluted way, say rpois generates the values
40,35,32,28,46. I then want to use my Pareto random number generator to
generate 40, 35, 32, etc... numbers. My prefered final output will be a vector
with 1000 values, each value being the sum of (random poisson) pareto random
It is basically simulating loss values, where the losses per year are Poisson
distributed, and the values are Pareto distributed. I wanted a vector with
total loss in each year.
My function for bounded pareto values is
U <- runif(n)
A <- U*beta^gamma
B <- U*alpha^gamma
C <- beta^gamma
Num <- -(A-B-C)
D <- alpha^gamma
E <- beta^gamma
Denom <- D*E
Frac <- Num/Denom
Power <- -(1/gamma)
Val <- Frac^Power
And so far for this function I have
Y <- rpois(n,33.63)
i <- 1:n
m <- 2*sum(Y)
S <- rboundpareto(m)
G <- sample(S, Y[i], replace=FALSE)
As you can see, my theory was to sample from a set S of Pareto values. It does
output values, I think it is just outputting one sample.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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