Remko Duursma wrote:> Dear R-helpers,
> I am looking for an implementation of the box-counting algorithm to
> estimate the box dimension of a cloud of points in 3D (aka fractal
> dimension, or similarity dimension).
> The package 'fdim' might be doing this, but the documentation is
> and I don't understand what is what there.
> Does anyone know of an implementation of this algorithm in R, or
> elsewhere, or uses the fdim package successfully and can help me out?
Perhaps ask the author or package maintainer? And if so, you might want
to volunteer to improve the help pages and add what you looked for, then
both of you can benefit.
Uwe Ligges
> thanks,
> Remko
> -------------------------------------------------
> Remko Duursma
> Post-Doctoral Fellow
> Centre for Plant and Food Science
> University of Western Sydney
> Hawkesbury Campus
> Richmond NSW 2753
> Dept of Biological Science
> Macquarie University
> North Ryde NSW 2109
> Australia
> Mobile: +61 (0)422 096908
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