Dear all, I have a word frequency list from a corpus (say, in .csv), where the first column is a word and the second is the occurrence frequency of that word in the corpus. Is it possible to obtain a Burt table (a table crossing all words with each other, i.e., where rows and columns are the words) from that frequency list with R? I'm exploring the "ca" package but I'm not able to solve this detail. Thank you very much! Joan-Josep Vallb?
On 29/03/2009 7:02 AM, Joan-Josep Vallb? wrote:> Dear all, > > I have a word frequency list from a corpus (say, in .csv), where the > first column is a word and the second is the occurrence frequency of > that word in the corpus. Is it possible to obtain a Burt table (a > table crossing all words with each other, i.e., where rows and columns > are the words) from that frequency list with R? I'm exploring the "ca" > package but I'm not able to solve this detail.No, because you don't have any information on that. You only have marginal counts. You need counts of pairs of words (from the original corpus, or already summarized.) Duncan Murdoch
Maybe not terribly hard, depending on exactly what you need. Suppose you turn your text into a character vector 'mytext' of words. Then for a table of words appearing delta words apart (ordered), you can table mytext against itself with a lag: nwords=length(mytext) burttab=table(mytext[-(1:delta)],mytext[nwords+1-(1:delta)]) Add to its transpose and sum over delta up to your maximum distance apart. If you want only words appearing near each other within the same sentence (or some other unit), pad out the sentence break with at least delta instances of a dummy spacer: the cat chased the greedy rat SPACER SPACER SPACER the dog chased the clever cat This will count all pairings at distance delta; if you want to count only those for which this was the NEAREST co-occurence (so the cat and the rate chased the dog would count as two at delta=3 but not one at delta=6) it will be trickier and I'm not sure this approach can be modified to handle it.> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:20:15 -0400 > From: "Murray Cooper" <myrmail at> > Subject: Re: [R] Burt table from word frequency list > > The usual approach is to count the co-occurence within so many words of > each other. Typical is between 5 words before and 5 words after a > given word. So for each word in the document, you look for the > occurence of all other words within -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 words. > Depending on the language and the question being asked certain words > may be excluded. > > This is not a simple function! I don't know if anyone has done a > package, for this type of analysis but with over 2000 packages floating > around you might get lucky.