I''m having some very strange nfs issues that are driving me somewhat
I''m running b134 and have been for months now, without issue. Recently
enabled 2 services to get bonjoir notificatons working in osx
and i added a few .service files to /etc/avahi/services/
ever since doing this, nfs is keeps crashing (i''d say every 30 minutes
so) and falling into the "maintenance" state, on top of that, i see a
of core files in /
bin core.mountd.1286564239 core.mountd.1286576077
core.mountd.1286579221 core.mountd.1286583281 core.mountd.1286583420
core.mountd.1286586498 etc lib net root tank
boot core.mountd.1286574167 core.mountd.1286576084
core.mountd.1286579228 core.mountd.1286583284 core.mountd.1286583423
core.mountd.1286586501 export lost+found opt rpool tmp
cdrom core.mountd.1286574170 core.mountd.1286579150
core.mountd.1286583275 core.mountd.1286583355 core.mountd.1286586406 dev
home media platform sbin usr
core.mountd.1286564233 core.mountd.1286574173 core.mountd.1286579153
core.mountd.1286583278 core.mountd.1286583418 core.mountd.1286586409
devices kernel mnt proc
running pstack on them shows:
wonslung at wonslung-raidz2:/tank/nas/dump/Done# pstack
core ''/core.mountd.1286564233'' of 22940: /usr/lib/nfs/mountd
----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 --------------------
feeefd1b __lwp_park (fee12a00, 0, fe5f9588, 0) + b
feee7beb mutex_lock_impl (fe5f9588, 0, 8047d58, 80e6f50, 80e7030, fe5f3000)
+ 163
feee7d28 mutex_lock (fe5f9588) + 10
fe5c3cf5 _svc_run_mt (fe5f4838, fe5f4848, fe5f4858, fe5f4858, 805552d,
feeca118) + 69
fe5c38eb svc_run (1, 2328, 1, 0, 8047dfc, feffb804) + 77
0805552d main (1, 8047e40, 8047e48, 8047dfc) + 4f9
080548ed _start (1, 8047ee0, 0, 8047ef4, 8047f11, 8047f22) + 7d
----------------- lwp# 2 / thread# 2 --------------------
feef4367 __pause (8, 200, 8, 5, fe000, fef82000) + 7
08054de7 nfsauth_svc (0, fef82000, fed4efe8, feeef9fe) + 3b
feeefa53 _thrp_setup (fedf0a00) + 9b
feeefce0 _lwp_start (fedf0a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 3 / thread# 3 --------------------
feef4367 __pause (8, 200, 8, 6, fe000, fef82000) + 7
08054e43 cmd_svc (0, fef82000, fe46efe8, feeef9fe) + 3b
feeefa53 _thrp_setup (fedf1200) + 9b
feeefce0 _lwp_start (fedf1200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 4 / thread# 4 --------------------
08054f49 do_logging_queue (8071110, 806e888, fe36ffc8, 805501a) + 45
0805502e logging_svc (0, fef82000, fe36ffe8, feeef9fe) + 52
feeefa53 _thrp_setup (fedf1a00) + 9b
feeefce0 _lwp_start (fedf1a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 5 / thread# 5 --------------------
feef4ca1 __door_return (fe270d2c, 8, 0, 0) + 21
08059280 nfsauth_func (0, fe270dc4, 3c, 0, 0, 8059108) + 178
feef4cbe __door_return () + 3e
----------------- lwp# 6 / thread# 6 --------------------
feef4ca1 __door_return (0, 0, 0, 0) + 21
feedb63f door_create_func (0, fef82000, fe171fe8, feeef9fe) + 2f
feeefa53 _thrp_setup (fedf2a00) + 9b
feeefce0 _lwp_start (fedf2a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
----------------- lwp# 8 / thread# 8 --------------------
feef4387 __pollsys (80ca168, 9, 0, 0, fe5f8e38, fef82000) + 7
fee987f4 poll (80ca168, 9, ffffffff, fe5c3fc7) + 4c
fe5c3e49 _svc_run_mt (0, fef82000, fdf73fe8, feeef9fe) + 1bd
feeefa53 _thrp_setup (fedf3a00) + 9b
feeefce0 _lwp_start (fedf3a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
anyways, i am not an expert and don''t really know how to troubleshoot
so if someone could help, i''d really appreciate it
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