max at
2008-Mar-14 11:41 UTC
[zfs-discuss] reviewers needed for paper on zfs on-disk structure walk
Hi, I am (hoping) to present a paper at osdevcon in Prague in June. I have a draft of the paper and am looking for a couple of people to review it. I am interested to know the following: 1. Is it understandable? 2. Is it technically correct? 3. Any comments/suggestions to make it better? The paper starts at the active uberblock on the disk, and walks the data structures on disk to find the data for a given file. It uses a modified mdb and modified zdb, along with an mdb dmod. It is not specifically aimed at system administrators, but rather tries to give people better insight as to where and how data is located in a ZFS file system. So, anyone interested in reviewing this? If so, let me know via email and I''ll send you a copy. Also, if you want the modified mdb/zdb and the dmod, let me know that as well. thanks much, max