Robert Milkowski
2007-Jan-19 19:13 UTC
[zfs-discuss] Re: [osol-discuss] Possibility to change GUID zfs pool at import
Hello Nico, Friday, January 19, 2007, 7:53:06 PM, you wrote: NVdM> Hi, NVdM> Looking if someone already found a solution, or workaround, to change the GUID of a zfs pool. NVdM> Explain me some more in depth, by use of tools like ShadowImage NVdM> on storage Arrays like the Sun Storagetek 99xx (but also for SUN NVdM> related storage Arrays or IBM, EMC and other storage vendors) we NVdM> are able to create data volume snapshots controlled by the NVdM> Storage Array. Know also that snapshot functionality is directly NVdM> available into zfs, but a lot of customers don''t want to change a current habit. NVdM> Through this kind of Storrage Array snapshots, also the current NVdM> used zfs pool guid is copied. If you try now to import these NVdM> type of snapshots onto the same host, you receive a error NVdM> because you try to import a already used guid. NVdM> A identical situation you have by disks under Symantec Storage NVdM> Foundation (aka Veritas Volume Manager) control or even by NVdM> Solaris Volume Manager or other LVM''s. But for these type of NVdM> workflows there are existing workarounds who let you change a NVdM> familiar "id", as the guid for zfs, setting before import. NVdM> To my opinion to make zfs more successful into productive NVdM> environments, it would be fine to include this change guid as a NVdM> possible extra option at importing a zfs pool (when not already existing or planned). I agree - it would be useful. I wanted to test it myself on Symmtrix boxes but due to lack of time never have done it. Thanks for test. I added zfs-discuss@ which is more appropriate. -- Best regards, Robert mailto:rmilkowski at
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