anyone with remote clue will install the native vmware drivers
or "vmware tools" on windows. he who thinks that is something
different than special drivers probably doesn''t even know what a
driver is.
If THE WRONG DRIVERS are used, VMWare will have less penalty than Xen
since VMWare wrote quite good fake drivers whereas Xen uses the
not-so-good ones from Qemu/KVM.
Once proper PV drivers are installed, Oracle VM should feel snappier
and be able to prove it by numbers.
VMWare ESX 3.5 is a completely different topic, since it didn''t use
HVM yet (which, for Xen, is the slower mode of operation) and kinda
sucked. From ESX4 up it will not be horribly slow any more.
But these are sales questions anyway :p
2012/1/3 Fajar A. Nugraha <list@fajar.net>:> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 5:55 PM, <Sunny.Biswas@sungard.com> wrote:
>> The xen hypervisor does not present the same driver for hardware
>> such as nic, scsi controller which means that we would have to manage
>> drivers like we do with the different operating systems (win and
> No
>> oracle vm
>> will need native drivers.
> No
>> Is the above statement correct ?
> Absolutely not.
> For most practical purposes, managing device drivers for an OS running
> on top of xen/xenserver/ovm requires the similar steps/effort as
> managing device drivers for an OS running on top of vmware when using
> pvscsi and vmxnet3.
yup and trying to use PVI(?) full PV mode on VMWare is quite night-marish, too.