Yes, this might be a solution. The problem is that on the Dom0 I have no
application running, except for the firewall, and some nagios plugins,
that are interrogated by the nagios server. When one guest requires a
lot of CPU, the nagios server sends an alert that the Dom0 is not
responding, although is has no load or other issues. This happens almost
once a week, and the guest OS is used for a database server.
What would be a better solution ... to pin a cpu for dom0, to change
the weight for dom0, or to continue using the same sched-credit, and
tune the nagios server to wait for Dom0 longer?
Thx in advance.> yes. seems you allocated all cpu ressources away from dom0.
> can you try pinning the vm to one cpu and dom0 to another?
> Florian
> 2011/1/14 Paul Piscuc<>:
>> Hi,
>> I have modified the sched-credit for one virtual machine, using xm
>> sched-credit -d 0 -w 60000, and the next day Nagios reported some
>> on Dom0. Two plugins, that are checking the firewall and smartctl
>> "socket timeout after 10 seconds". When I issued the two
scripts, one of
>> them took 5 seconds to run, and the other one a few minutes. Here is
>> first command that took 5 seconds:
>> /sbin/iptables-save|grep -v ''^\*'' |grep -v
''^#'' |grep -v ''^COMMIT''|grep -v
>> ''^:''|wc -l
>> When straced, it pauses for a long time in wait4(). When issued several
>> times, it waits a long time on the third or forth grep. The second one
>> the same in read(). The load on the dom0 is 0.02, ulimit is ok,and
there is
>> no waiting time for the cpu. Also, the virtual machines are running
>> smoothly, without high IO, memory or CPU.
>> Could the problem be generated by the scheduler, that allocated a small
>> weight for the dom0?
>> Thx in advance,
>> Paul PISCUC
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