I tried the same omindex on a production system with about 50GB of data
(ms office and pdf's) and it was OK.
But If I am indexing 2GB worth of text files filled with made up words
from random ascii characters
I get the same problem.
What kind of data are you trying to index?
Eric Voisard wrote:> Hi Frank,
> Maybe it's not related but what you see makes me think about the
> I had a couple of monthes ago: increasing memory usage finally causing
> failures with external converters
> I opened a bug: trac.xapian.org/ticket/358
> Yours, Eric
> Frank John Bruzzaniti wrote:
>> I see. Thanks.
>> I did some silly testing where I wrote a python script to generate text
>> files with randomly generated words from randomly generated characters
>> (so they were not real words).
>> But I noticed omindex consumes a lot of memory, I then figured it's
>> a good test because there's no efficiencies to be found in
>> random text so silly idea.
>> But I did no notice that no matter what the XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD was
>> set to that omindex's memory foot print grew larger and larger.
>> My questions are:
>> Is there stuff that XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD doesn't "flush
>> If so what are the typical work arounds. E.g. throw more memory at it,
>> index smaller amounts on each run but have more databases, etc.
>> Is there a rule of thumb regards to how many documents I am indexing
>> versus how much memory versus how much HDD is required on disk for the
>> index (I'm dealing with a typical office filled with lots of
>> and pdf file types).
>> Thanks Again,
>> Frank
>> Olly Betts wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 02:30:39AM +0930, Frank John Bruzzaniti
>>>> Am I right in saying that for my setup I should be doing export
>>>> XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD=1000 because:
>>>> 1000 documents * 2MB doc size = 2gig of memory required before
a flush
>>>> to disk?
>>> That's a bit simplistic, but probably a reasonable starting
>>> What is stored in memory are changes to the postlist and spelling
>>> - changes to other tables are written out (but not switched live).
>>> the postlist table, there are the terms which have changed, the
>>> and wdfs for those changes, and data structure overheads.
>>> probably going to come out significantly smaller than the raw text
>>> of the documents, so you can probably go higher than 1000.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Olly
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