search for: bruzzaniti

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "bruzzaniti".

2008 Jul 30
Dealing with image PDF's
Guys, I was just playing around and added a bit of code to so I could ocr tiff and tif with gocr which seems to work. Here's what it looks like: // Tiff: } else if (startswith(mimetype, "image/tif")) { // Inspired by string safefile = shell_protect(file); string cmd = "tifftopnm " + safefile + "
2008 Jul 30
Dealing with image PDF's
Guys, I was just playing around and added a bit of code to so I could ocr tiff and tif with gocr which seems to work. Here's what it looks like: // Tiff: } else if (startswith(mimetype, "image/tif")) { // Inspired by string safefile = shell_protect(file); string cmd = "tifftopnm " + safefile + "
2009 Apr 29
"DatabaseCorruptError: Cannot open tables at consistent revisions"
Ocassionally when I'm searching using Omega I get: "DatabaseCorruptError: Cannot open tables at consistent revisions" If I click reload it's all ok, is this the database being updated?, is there a way to avoid the message? Frank
2009 Jul 15
I'm playing around with a machine that has 2 GB of memory. Indexing about 5GB of data average of 2MB per document. The documents are plain text. I notice the omindex's memory fott print get's biger an bigger then the machine starts to swap and it all slows down to a crawl. In regards to export XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD I know the default is 10000 Am I right in saying that for my setup
2009 Feb 04
wildcard support (left truncation)
Dose Xapian support wildcards (left truncation)? E.g. *ildcard.doc or *.doc or Wild*.doc I read a post from Olly in 2005 that said it wasn't supported yet, I was wonder if there had been any progress or easy work around since. I mainly need when users want to search by the filename extension. Thanks, Frank
2009 Jul 08
php error parse_query
I'm having trouble getting a search via php working, I get the following error: *Fatal error*: No matching function for overloaded 'QueryParser_parse_query' in */usr/local/share/php5/xapian.php* on line *1409 *The error occurs at this code $query = $qp->parse_query( $query_string , XapianQueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE |
2009 Feb 02
Ticket #282: omindex-assorted-enhancements.patch woes
I would really like to try out the features in the patch above. But I can't ever seem to get the resulting to "make". I tried updating to rev 10801 from the SVN then run /bootstrap but then I seem to get errors compiling everything when I try and do "make" (I'm using ubuntu 8.10). So I thought I'd try an apply the patch to the latest stable version
2009 May 19
omindex options
Hi. I am writing a python equivalent of omindex (we are using scriptindex currently - but I wanted to use omindex instead, and extend it to work with our internal file format.. BUT did not want to compile code if possible... so anyway). I have tried to keep the code as close to possible to the omindex native code, but am facing a bit of confusion: what exactly is the reason for omindex to take
2009 Apr 29
Hi guys, I've been noticing more and more that antiword has trouble with many word documents. It may look like it's converted a document but leaves out headings and bits of text. I've been looking into getting openoffice to do it in headless mode but still have a way to go before it's stable. I was wondering if anyone else had any luck on this front? One quick fix I have found
2008 Jul 29
Flax support for docx
Anyone used Flax to search for docx? I'm testing on XP. Installed msxml6.msi and FilterPackx86.exe but Flax dosen't seem to register *.docx as a document type. Is there a way for me to add it in? Thanks, Frank
2009 Feb 09
last_mod performance
I was just wondering if anyone knew what the performance increase was using last_mod to only to scanned altered files. I understand I guess it all depends on how busy the site is and how many files change, but typically would you say it's a feature that you would use because of a dramatic increase in performance. Thanks, Frank
2009 Apr 23
Expanding the search in PHP
I tried using the simpleexpand.php from I get different results between PHP and the Omega expand (see below), I'd like to have the same functionality in PHP. Could anyone suggest how to do it? Is there an example I could use? Thanks, Frank And got the following results from PHP: Zdefin: weight = 46.963883268652 Zconfigur:
2009 Apr 23
PHP Total document
I was also wondering if someone could tell me how to extract the total number of documents contained in a database via PHP. Thanks, Frank
2009 Feb 03
PowerPoint 2007 filter
Hi, I'm trying to write the PowerPoint2007 filter in the same manner that I did for *.docx and *.xlsx but I'm getting the following error when I tru an index. The document is called: Indexing "/Frisk in Power Point.pptx" as application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation ... caution: filename not matched: ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide*.xml caution: