Hello All, I figured this would be a great place in which to post this. I''ve recently found a program which is a dream cake of mine. I''ve had been looking for an easier way in which to do cross-platform development, and general administration through Graphical means to utilize a Linux System. Up until recently, I have been working with VNC as a means in which to gain access to my 800 MHz development box which runs Ubuntu Linux. I recently ran across NX (No Machine), which does Remote Administration through GUI similar to VNC, but in a more responsive, and secure way. NX runs through SSH, but that''s just the security aspect of this nice little app. It does way far more. One of which, is the ability to run a full blown Desktop, like KDE, Gnome, XFCE4, or whatever your faviorate Window manager is. But not only that, it actually allows you to run Linux Applications from your box, on your Windows Computer. An example of that, is a screen shot here: http://www.trilake.net/ss_xfce4_term_on_windows.jpg which shows XFCE4''s Terminal program running on my Windows Computer. And as you can notice, I have shortcuts on my desktop for XFCE4 (The Desktop System), XMMS, and XFCE4 Terminal. It''s a very nice program, and you can check it out here: http://www.nomachine.com They have both a Free Version and a Paid version. The only problem I ran into, was a small problem with the Windows Client not connecting. If you want to get this running with your Windows Client, and run into a problem not connecting, send me an email, and I''ll be happy to help you out. L8ers All, Mario Steele