I have Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse for my daughter and I tried to install
using Wine.
Installation fails because some of the files have different names on the
installation media from that sought by the installer.
Here are two examples:
Click_AfterThreeBells_02_SFX.HIS which is actually
click_afterthreebells_02_s.his on the media.
AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll which is actually axinteropshdocvw.dll on the media.
The first example could be a plain truncation issue. The second one is a bit
weirder though. The difference is a dot in the middle of the filename.
Actual messages are:
err:msi:ACTION_InstallFiles Failed to copy
to L"C:\\Program Files\\Nancy Drew\\The Captive
Curse\\Sound\\Click_AfterThreeBells_02_SFX.HIS" (2)
err:msi:ACTION_InstallFiles Failed to copy
L"D:\\Files\\NDCentral\\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll" to L"C:\\Program
Files\\Nancy Drew\\Nancy Drew Central\\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll" (2)
You can get installation to progress further by fixing the issues in a writeable
copy. Clearly the installer is processing the names in some fashion or is
somewhat tolerant of some differences. Alternatively, perhaps the CD names are
being misinterpreted by Linux?
Has anyone seen this kind of thing before? If not, I will add an issue.