I've been doing Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 compatible wine builds on a 10.5
machine... I want to get it working and portable including 10.4 machines....
so... I set up a 10.4 machine to do all my builds from. The issue is....
When building on 10.5 or 10.6, the lib/wine files are all slightly smaller, and
total up to around 80mb. doing the same build options on on OSX 10.4, every
file is slightly larger, and total up to about 150mb. What could possibly cause
this? I looked at the Wine builds that supposedly work on 10.4 in WineBottler
and they are smaller files there too, just like my 10.5 and 10.6 builds...
compiling Wine the same way on both.. stock unpatched wine with ./configure
--disable-win16. Why would all the files in lib/wine need to be almost double
the size?