Hi guys,
I've installed wine-1.1.32 and MS Office 2007 on Ubuntu 9.10
(Gnome-based desktop).
Many of our existing Windows files have spaces in the filenames. For
instance, a file named "Hello World.doc". When I right-click on this
file and open it in MSWord, the tool complains that it can't find the
file "Hello.doc", followed by another complaint that it can't find
file "World.doc".
Rather than (a) go through the entire server and rename all of these
files, and (b) (even harder) try to educate my users not to use spaces
in their filenames, I thought I would first take a stab at fixing
things. The best that I can figure is that this is controlled by
~/.local/share/applications/wine-*.desktop. For instance, the contents
of ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-doc.desktop says:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Microsoft Office Word
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/var/lib/radix/.wine-office2007" wine start
/ProgIDOpen Word.Document.8 %f
So I'm guessing the problem is that the %f is being resolved and then
passed to a shell that breaks the space in the filename up into separate
command line arguments, when it should be keeping it whole.
I've tried replacing %f with:
$(winepath -u "%f")
`winepath -u "%f"`
But none of this seemed to have any effect.
Anyone out there know a fix for this? Or am I editing the wrong file?