I recently purchased DA:O (Dragon Age:Origins) because there seemed to be good initial success running the game under WINE. Success I have not been able to reproduce. At this time I've finally gotten the game installed and it runs. Although that does require a no-dvd fixed .exe file (odd for a game that doesn't require the disk to be in the drive). My current issue that I have not been able to fix is the flickering black textures seen everywhere in the game. According to the AppDB it should be fixable with the patch found here: http://bugs2.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=22894. Since I wasn't familar with the process I looked on the Wiki for "patch" and found this link: http://wiki.winehq.org/Patching?highlight=%28patch%29 but that references developers. So my questions are: What is this "Git Tree" and is it what the patch from the AppDB I linked to is for? If the patch is to be applied via the "Patching Your Git Tree" process do I just save the text from the link as .diff file using my text editor? I'm not at home right now so I don't know that I do/don't have the ~/.wine/git folder, but assuming I do I'll need to "cd" there in order to recompile WINE; instead of recompiling from some other directory correct? Also since I've just renamed my main ~/.wine folder and made a clean ~/.wine directory for trying out DA:O installing this patch could very well impact playability of other games/programs I use WINE to run correct? If so what is the preferred way of working around this? Thank you.
Git instructions : http://wiki.winehq.org/GitWine if you want to apply a hack (a patch is something different), in your source / git tree, type the following: Code: patch -p1 < nameofhack.extension (diff, patch, etc..) Then compile with ./configure make sudo make install If you use a 64 bit distro, look for specific instructions : http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit