Apex DC++ speed mod hangs up after closing. http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexdcspeedmod/ Wine 1.1.33, and in previous versions. Also there some graphical errors on toolbar: http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/918/bug1l.png In microsoft office 2003 also graphical errors on toolbar: http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5397/bug2j.png and dotted cursor there.
nucleo wrote:> > In microsoft office 2003 also graphical errors on toolbar: > http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5397/bug2j.png > and dotted cursor there.http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20391
In Wine 1.1.34 Apex DC++ speed mod still hangs up after closing and graphics errors on toolbar still there. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/918/bug1l.png
The same bugs are still in Wine 1.1.35.
In Wine 1.1.36 these problems are still present.