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I have problem with run game "last chaos".. Game is installed successuful and update is ok, but at start.... Error... - Error Game (http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/2694/lcerrorlinux.png) - Wine report (http://freetexthost.com/wm1yeptm1t)
Wine version?
Wine 1.1.13
SOrry, wine 1.1.31 :P (where is button edit? O.o)
PTKTheBest wrote:> SOrry, wine 1.1.31 :P (where is button edit? O.o) http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=5710 Try latest Wine (1.1.33). There might not be much chance that it works now, but who knows?
> SOrry, wine 1.1.31 :P (where is button edit? O.o)