James McKenzie wrote:> ataide.carlos wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I was reading the FAQ and it says there we should not use the existing
Windows System Dir, but what if I make a copy of the folder so I can use it to
increase functionality in Wine?
> >
> > Will that work? I know that we can point certain libraries to an
actual windows file.
> >
> >
> No, copying the entire Windows directory will NOT work.
> Certain libraries will help, but they should ONLY be applied on a
> case-by-case basis and only if directed in the Applications Database .
> James McKenzie
Exactly. Some core libraries, such as gdi32, for instance, can not be
To be honest with you, I once got away with that (copying the whole dir). IIRC,
the apps only fetched the missing DLLs. But this was a looong time ago and I
would never recommend it to anyone now.