Hey all, I am currently trying to get all of my work software working on Ubuntu and I am having some issues with Heat Call Logging. I have found in the App DB that some one has gotten it to work however I have not been successful. I was wondering if any one has gotten it running and if they could provide some incite for me. As of right now I am able to get the program installed and it will launch. The issue I am having is getting Heat to connect to our SQL server where the data is stored. I have installed FreeTDS and unixodbc and set it up like most of the examples I have found however when I go to connect I still am not able to log in. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I don't know anything about the application you're using, but if it's ODBC functionality you need then you could try installing winetricks mdac25 mdac27 mdac28. These contain official Windows ODBC drivers that might work better than the Wine implementation.
I actually have them installed and that did not correct the issue. I have been following the guide listed here: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=16666 The program will launch but when I go to connect to the data source It bombs out on me. I am able to connect with my currently configuration of unixODBC and Freetds using the isql command. However the traffic that comes from the program is not being forwarded to the DSN that i have created locally.