Hello. I have searched and tested extensively for this but find I am forced to ask for help. I am a linux novice but am very competent in Windows. Environment: Ubuntu 9.10/Wine 1.1 on a 64-bit client laptop. WinXP server hosting shares in home wireless network. The client samba mounts server\share location with no problem. I am able to browse the server share on File Browser in Ubuntu. Wine Configurator: drives tab does not find share. Notepad application runs under Wine but the FileOpen Dialog sees only local DosDevices, not the network. I use an application to rip CDs locally, convert them, and put them on the share for play later. The application (EAC) runs under Wine, but can only create files locally. As a linux noob, I do not know how to manually create a shortcut in the .wine subfolder, and I do not know if that approach is even applicable in linux. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
1) first of all, move to the LAST version of WINE. 2) the remote resource in the winXP that you see in Ubuntu is under a HIDE DIRECTORY (the ones that there names start with "." , like .wine ) thats why you cannot see it, I dont remember the exacte name of the directory. 3) what you should do is: *create a dir call remote like this: sudo mkdir /mnt/remote * mount the remote resource in the dir we just created: sudo mount -t smbfs //IP/resource_name /mnt/remote if you have user and password for it use sudo mount -t smbfs //IP/resource_name /mnt/remote -o user=username,password=password *then you can add a drive in wine selectiong the /mnt/remote folder in YOUR filesystem thats pointing to remote resource
the dir where ubuntu automount remote resources is .gvfs try this in a terminal: cd /home/your_user_name/.gvfs/ ls -al
That was all net. I am able to see the remote shares in notepad after installing 1.32 and mounting the share as you directed. Thank you! A follow up question to the automount suggestion in your second post. I ran the command as you suggested, and got this: total 4 dr-x------ 2 mark mark 0 2009-11-12 11:37 . drwxr-xr-x 43 mark mark 4096 2009-11-12 11:55 .. I have no idea what this is listing, and I would like to know if I need to mount the drives manually on every reboot. Thanks again.
Not sure what happened, but when I awoke the computer from standby, the shares no longer showed up. The Wine config no longer has /mnt/remote in it . I ran the list command in .gvfs and see this: mark at mark-laptop:~/.gvfs$ ls -al total 4 dr-x------ 4 mark mark 0 2009-11-12 11:37 . drwxr-xr-x 43 mark mark 4096 2009-11-12 16:49 .. drwx------ 1 mark mark 0 1969-12-31 18:00 cdda mount on sr0 drwx------ 1 mark mark 0 2009-11-11 20:30 sedonashare on sedonaserver SedonaShare is my server share. Notepad could access the share earlier, but not now. :?
mark-e-mark wrote:> That was all net. I am able to see the remote shares in notepad after installing 1.32 and mounting the share as you directed.Of course you won't see them. Wine can't browse network shares. You have to mount them properly as fachamix described and map them to a drive with winecfg.