My workmate made a XP PC program that talks to a motor through a USB. I've made a link to USB ln -s /dev/ttyUSB2 ~/.wine/com2 and also 4 of ln -s /dev/ttyUSB1 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com2 as recommended in a forum. I don't understand how to 'make' wine-git. The Makefile errors, but I've never successfully compiled anything for Linux, so I don't suppose I did it right. (Is there a 'point and click' repository I can get it from?) Any thoughts, or is this going to be too complex for a Wine noob like me?
Rorke wrote:> > (Is there a 'point and click' repository I can get it from?) >What distro? Have you check your distro's repositories? Links to binary packages for the major ones are here: