Hello, wine folk!
I'm having a problem running a specific program with wine, though the
problem is not very application-specific I suppose, that's why I write here.
So, the issue is the following:
The program in question is Rainbow6: Ravenshield(Unreal Engine2). The authors of
the program made a videocard blacklist on which they disallow the main
executable to run. My Intel X3100 falls into that list. For some mysterious
reason, the game says "Your video card not supported on wine" but runs
flawlessly on the friends laptop(winxp) with the same GPU. I tried spoofing the
video card info via Direct3D/VideoPciVendorID etc, but that still gives error,
so I suspect they use the other way to determine what GPU is installed. My
question is: what are other ways of determining one's GPU and what can be
done to fool the game into running in intel GMA?
Thank you in advance.