i installed wow on my laptop to test before trying to intall on my dekstop. the only was i was able to install it was as root. is there a way around this? i have wine 1.1.28. when i tried to install under my normal login, all the files on the warth of the lich king disk has an X on them.
That big X usually means that the file is read-only for you. This is normal for DVD-ROMs and the like. Try launching the installer from a terminal and see if it will install that way, if it instead crashes let us know what it will output on the terminal. Please do not run Wine as root, it messes up Wine's user permissions.
cool thanks...going to take a bit but ill keep updating on the progress
im prob using the wrong command i have used sudo mount -o remount,unhide /dev/cdrom that one allows me too see all the hidden files. then i tried wine /media/WoWDisc1/Installer.exe wine /media/cdrom0/Installer.exe wine /media/cdrom/Installer.exe i get an error wine: could not load L"D\\Installer.exe" module not found any ideas? is there a different command i should be using?
i just tried to do this to see if it would allow me to install. im logged in as my normal account su wine /media/cdrom0/Installer.exe as running as root it does allow me to run the install. i havent done anything yet, but i wanted to make sure if the was ok or a bad idea.
ok i take that back. i looked where it was going to install and it looks like running the way i did is not installing it to my profile. there i no wow directory where there should be one
last thing i tried was log in as root. copy the cd to hd. change the permissions on the files to my account. then log into my account that install it that way. worked fine but very annoying and long.