death knight spec guide Dual Wield Spec 16/34/21 Very long story short, this is a crappy leveling spec because it is inherently so gear dependent to just be decent. However, since it has been used so little, actual game play could prove otherwise. I just wouldn?t count on it. wow ( Blood Spec 52/19/0 This is one of the strongest leveling builds available. It has strong dps, strong healing, and can take a beating. Keep in mind however that blood is more gear dependent than any spec available besides DW spec. However the lack of downtime with this spec makes it highly useful. Frost Spec 19/52/0 This spec is not as strong as Blood and Unholy for leveling. It has less ways to stop incoming damage and does slightly less dps. Basically, just expect a bit more down time. For the non-hardcore player who doesn?t have to level at lightspeed?this will still get you where you?re going. Unholy Spec 20/0/51 This is arguably the strongest leveling spec as it follows the baseline concept of Hunters. A pet soaking up a ton of damage, but even with the damage you will take that a hunter won?t?you have self healing that they don?t. Add in that it has the movement powers and isn?t as gear dependent and this is an excellent choice. However, that being said, Blood is still on par with Unholy for leveling imo. quote fromwow forum (