pdrass wrote:> For anyone that has this error:
> "err:ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is
> I'm using GNewSense 2.2 with Wine-1.1.25 the bleeding edge of course,
> nothing less for us beta testers!
> Installing Office 2007 and I couldn't get past that problem, the
> would crash and I assume any Microsoft installer would crash that requires
> at least a 1024x768 screen resolution on your client with 24 bit color
> depth.
> I had my monitor on the right resolution but not the right color depth,
> I changed my x11 config to change my color depth to 24 pixels the install
> got past the error.
> So: Fix = make sure your resolution settings and color depth meet your
> minimum M$ application requirements!
You're right about the Office 2007 installer needing 24 bit color, but the
error message you quote has absolutely nothing to do with it.