Hi there dear Wine fanatics^^
I recently moved to Linux(kubuntu 8.10) and am using Wine for playing now.
Everything works really well thanks to my tweaking. There is however one bug I
couldn't solve myself, that are the fonts in Oblivion:
[Image: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2084/bugk.jpg ]
As you can see, I ran Oblivion in a virtual Desktop, the menu has some broken
colours on its borders, but that is not serious. The big Problem are the
letters! You cannot read anything. I changed several settings:
e.g. remove the fonts completely. Registry settings like fbo, pbuffer and
backbuffer also do not have any effect. Bloom and HDR are also working
perfectly, but the fonts stay the same: unreadable. I checked the appDB and
google but wasn't lucky, could somebody please help me on this?