Bob Morane
2009-Jan-10 14:02 UTC
[Wine] Can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
Hello, i wanted to install a software that requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable environment. The software normally includes this installer, but it didn't work. I tried downloading the Visual C++ directly from microsoft, and install it. The installer started, showed briefly a progress bar, and stopped. When i go to uninstall, Visual C++ appears, but can't be uninstalled. Finally, i tried to use winetricks to install it. Here is the output i got from the script : Code: Executing wine /home/roland/.winetrickscache/vcrun2005/vcredist_x86.exe fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP000.TMP\\" 00000000 fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP001.TMP\\" 00000000 fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"roland" (nil) 0x33f77c (nil) 0x33f780 0x33f774 - stub fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"roland" 0x138b08 0x33f77c 0x137d48 0x33f780 0x33f774 - stub fixme:msi:ACTION_HandleStandardAction unhandled standard action L"SetODBCFolders" fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub MsiUnpublishAssemblies -> 10 ignored L"MsiAssembly" table values fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x7ee326ac L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33f848): semi-stub fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) fixme:msi:MsiEnumProductsExA (null) (null) 4 0 0x7e1f3698 0x7e1f367c (nil) (nil) Install of vcrun2005 done The other application still doesn't run. It gives me errors about missing dlls, those dlls the Visual C++ installer should install. I checked my system32 folder, the dlls are indeed missing. I found something about adding win2k to winetricks in order for it to install this package, but if i do i can find the dlls in my system32 folder, but the software doesn't run, it gives me errors related to those dlls. Could someone help me to get this package installed. I ran out of ideas. I even tried to extract the content of the installer with cabextract to see if i could find those dlls and install them by hand, but the files inside have strange names, and i don't know which one to copy where. :?
André H.
2009-Jan-10 17:04 UTC
[Wine] Re: Can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
i have tried that too, in appdb it looks like it should work...dont know where my problem was, but i gave up and run native solutions. got Code:Blocks running on Linux with mingw and wxwindows to compile Windows Apps. Thats really great i think and better than MSVC
James McKenzie
2009-Jan-10 17:26 UTC
[Wine] Can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
Bob Morane wrote:> Hello, i wanted to install a software that requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable environment. The software normally includes this installer, but it didn't work. I tried downloading the Visual C++ directly from microsoft, and install it. The installer started, showed briefly a progress bar, and stopped. When i go to uninstall, Visual C++ appears, but can't be uninstalled. > > Finally, i tried to use winetricks to install it. Here is the output i got from the script : > >You need to try the last item with a clean wine. James McKenzie
2009-Jan-10 18:09 UTC
[Wine] Re: Can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
Bob Morane wrote:> Hello, i wanted to install a software that requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable environment. The software normally includes this installer, but it didn't work. I tried downloading the Visual C++ directly from microsoft, and install it.There are few known issues with that. Use winetricsk to install msvc runtime:
Bob Morane
2009-Jan-13 14:37 UTC
[Wine] Re: Can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
Huh, if i remove Metacity, what Window Manager should i use? [Shocked] Metacity is the default Gnome Window Manager. It doesn't have any 3D acceleration. It would be like removing KWin on a KDE desktop.
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- Re: Can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
- Re: Can't install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable