I've been successfully using Geogrid viewer version 3.2 with wine 0.9.9 and
hack to let the CoRegisterPSClsid() stub return S_OK on Suse 9.3. However,
after an upgrade to Suse 10.1 the application failed to open the main window.
0.9.10 showed the same behaviour. Later versions of wine (I tried 0.9.11
onwards to current cvs) open the main window again, however when I try to
scroll the map a requester pops up showing the error message "Eine Karte
angegebenen Ma?stabes mit der gew?nschten Position ist nicht verf?gbar", in
english "A map of the selected scale is not available at the current
position" which is definitely wrong.
Geogrid viewer is an application to show digital maps. I've found an
(obsolete) entry in the appdb:
Anyone got an idea what is causing this behaviour or some hints on how to
debug it?