Hello list
I have a windows application that is runnable under wine. Now i want
this app to be controllable without the gui. For Reasons somewhere
between licensing,a crazy management, and legal issues this app cant
be replaced be a better solution nor can i reverse engineer it to
find out what is does and then recode that. And it has to run under
So the plan for automatization is to find the places where wine
builds buttons, lists, text-fields and so on and then hook come code
there to rip out every element of the gui to give it to another
controlling app. The other way the controll app then has to call the
wine mouse and keyboard event functions to control the windows
So far so Good. Problem is that i'm new in wine and windows foo.
Producing the actual code should be no problem, but understanding how
and were wine does thinks like building gui elements is hard if you
have no clue about this mass of source-code wine consists of.
So my question is were to start, how to find out what functions are
called to build elements of the gui,what dll's are used for this, are
there any tools that are helpful and so on. I currently collecting
as many information as possible, so anything you post is helpful.
Or is this the wrong list for something like this, maybe i should
post on the dev ml. questions over questions... :)
Thanks in advance for any response