Angel Rengifo Cancino wrote:
>I'm trying to run an application that was made with Visual Fox Pro 6.
>I tried some different previous versions of Wine like 0.9.3 and 0.9.7.
>Sometimes I got error messages like "There's no enough memory to
>complete this operation" and "Incompatible integer type..."
>something like that.
>Finally I upgraded to 0.9.9 version and I had no previously mentioned
>problems except when I try to start my VFP application I get this
>error message "I can't establish an innitial connection" in an
>Windows-style dialog, and also this little message in stderr:
>fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub
>fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub
>Does anybody know what can I do? I'd appreciate some help. Thanks
anyway, bye
>wine-users mailing list
I can't give specific advice, but the type of messages you are getting
suggest that wine needs configuring to use windows native versions of
certain .dll's (foxpro is very fussy about this) and possibly that you
have an ODBC configuration problem.
In the former case I cannot give up to date information, the following
list of .dll's required is out of date and wine has improved
sufficiently since this list was compiled that wine versions of some of
the following will now work fine. Also it refers to VFP8, however the
situation with VFP6 is probably identical. Of course all the ones with
"vfp" in the title ship with Foxpro so there won't be wine
You'll have to experiment a bit.
Arrange to copy the following files from a legitimate source to
"~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system" and, where "wine" versions
configure wine to use the native versions when VFP is running:
oleaut32.dll (in c:\windows\system32)
msvcrt.dll (in c:\windows\system32)
mscomctl32.dll (in c:\windows\system32)
odbc32.dll (in c:\windows\system32) If using ODBC (i.e.
remote connections)
odbcint.dll (in c:\windows\system32) If using ODBC (i.e.
remote connections)
msvcr70.dll (in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8\Visual
Foxpro 8.0 Professional - English)
vfp8enu.dll (in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Foxpro 8)
gdiplus.dll (in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP)
vfp8renu.dll (in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP)
vfp8r.dll (in c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP)
Or, you can put symbolic links in the directory to some other place
where you have these files.
Concerning the ODBC, if your applications are making remote connections
you need to set up appropriate DSN's under wine. As far as I am aware
this cannot be done under wine directly yet, as the appropriate dll
returns error messages even when using the native version ("out of
memory", as I recall). So fire up the windows box on which you have run
your applications successfully, do start->run->regedit and locate the
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> ODBC node in the tree in the left
panel, right click on the node and select "export". You now have a
file that can be imported into the wine registry. This advice assumes
you are using System DSN's (most people do). User DSN's are, I believe,
in HKEY CURRENT USER ... when you are logged as the user concerned (file
DSN's, as the name implies, are in a normal file that must simply be
copied to where the application can see it). I can't give precise advice
on how to import to the wine registry. This used to involve inserting
the text manually into the wine system registry file whilst wine wasn't
running (you have to adjust the headers a bit, and those funny numbers
on the end should just be left out) - but perhaps wine's regedit tool
can do this better now. There was a reader of this list who did this
recently so post specifically about Foxpro, the ODBC and the registry to
perhaps get better advice.
The font messages are harmless. Ignore them.
If you are not already aware, wine has issues with the following Foxpro
features: Tooltip text (it clips), WAIT WINDOW (may not display, or
clips) - these are cosmetic problems, but if they cause trouble just
avoid tooltips or keep them very short and use messageboxes instead of
WAIT WINDOW - Warning: do not apply patches advertised on some
out-of-date websites for these problems: the patch is broken (it blocks
This is all the help I can give. Good luck.