Hi Did anyone managed to get Super EuroFighter 2000 working with wine? I found a solution (and got to it before on my own also) but it doesn't exactly work for me. the command wine PROGRAM/_SUPERW.EXE DID=. quick_flag=1 GUI does start the game, but the problem is, I get a blank screen :\ I once had a problem like this in Win2000Pro, but after some 'compatibility settings' tuning I got it working, here I'm not sure how to do it. I tried double-buffered windows, a virtual desktop, different color depth's and still nothing. The windows does appear like it should (first the little one, then the big one), the menu is there, as I can hear going from one submenu to another (there's a sound on menu entry, I just tried to click in a place, I remembered a menu entry at) but the window is all black. Any ideas? -- Best wishes ?ukasz
Hi I've installed Wine 0.9.2, but i can't set up *.fon fonts. I've read some docs and they write, i just have to copy fonts to c:\windows\fonts. It works for *.ttf fonts but it seems, not for *.fon. Am i wrong? Do i do something in a bad way? Did anyone of you have similar problem? Phi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Szukasz pracy? Szukamy pracownikow: dziennikarzy, webmasterow, specjalisty ds. badan, promotion managera, administratorow baz danych, programistow Windows i wielu innych! >>> link.interia.pl/f18e6
--- ?ukasz Hejnak <grupy@szift.org> wrote:> Did anyone managed to get Super EuroFighter 2000 > working with wine?Yes - just tried with 0.9.9 and it works fine (although I seem to be missing sound with more recent wine versions, must be a wine configuration issue)> I found a solution (and got to it before on my own > also) but it doesn't > exactly work for me. > the command > wine PROGRAM/_SUPERW.EXE DID=. quick_flag=1 GUI > does start the game, but the problem is, I get a > blank screen :\I run it from the "program" directory (with suitably modified command, obviously), although I might have copied other necessary files into there in the past, (did.dat?). The ef2000.cfg in that directory looks like this. REZ=1 FULLSCREEN=1 REALISM=0,0,0,0,0,0,1 DETAIL=2 HUDCOL=121 MODEL=0 CONTROL=0 SPEECH=0 JOY_FACTOR=100 JOYSCALE=512 SOUNDFX=0,127 MUSIC=0,127 If that doesn't help, I don't know... but it certainly can be made to run under wine. Cheers, AJ ___________________________________________________________ Win a BlackBerry device from O2 with Yahoo!. Enter now. yahoo.co.uk/blackberry